wel come to LADAKH

wel come to LADAKH

Friday, August 29, 2008


So here is a great treat for you and your eyes LADAKH FESTIVAL 2008 is here.
Ladakh festival is starting from 1september 2008 to 15 september 2008.
pack your bags and come to see the rich culture of LADAKH which it is presentig to you all.
You will get to see the tridional dress,culture,foood,and many more...........
followin are the programes the local have aranged for you all.
1. Thanka Exhibition from 1st to 15th of September 2008 at Spituk Monastery.
2. Handicraft Bazar from 1st to 15th of September 2008 at Municipal Committee Complex, (Old S.P Resident) Balkhang, Leh. (Sponsored)
3. Amateur Photo Exhibition/Competition 2 p.m to 8 p.m from 1st to 15th September 2008 at Municipal Committee Complex, (Old S.P Resident) Balkhang, Leh
4. Road Show/ Camel Safari on 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 13th Venue Main Bazar, 5 p.m to 6 p.m.
5. Do it yourself “Ladakhi Kitchen” at Municipal Committee Complex, (Old S.P Resident) Balkhang, Leh from 1st to 15th September, 2008, 2 p.m to 8 p.m

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Its great to see how people follow a leader.The attraction power must be so great that some times i feel amazed to se so many people comes to support him or his views.As resently i was just amazed to see the follower of the great south Indian actor Chiranjeevi.People came in great numbers.like wise also these leader have great power to speek in front of the people which attract a great number of people.


Ladakh has often changed names, all of which give a good description of the conditions prevailing in the region: Ladwags-land below the mountain passes; Bladwags: land of the lama; Maryul: the red country; Muah Ris bSsor Gsum: land to the west of Tibet. In the West it is sometimes referred to as Moon country and Little Tibet. Rather a long list of names for an area of 59,000 square kilometres having one of the lowest population densities in the world: 2 inhabitants per kilometre, 59,000 square kilometres of rocky desert, apparently inhospitable mountains, a world of bewitching silence, framed in a parallel fashion by two of the most imposing mountain ran ges, the Karakorams to the North, the Himalayas to the South.